Results of the clinical trial conducted for the Pranamat

In 2014, Pranamat was subject to formal clinical trials. These trials were conducted in two key stages.
First stage
The first stage involved the recording of multiple laboratory measurements. These results confirmed that the use of Pranamat:
- Significantly increases the intensity of local microcirculation
- Increases local metabolic processes within the tissues in the area to which it is applied
- Reduces inflammation in the joints and the muscles
- Increases the production of beta-endorphins (powerful natural painkillers)
Second stage
During the second stage of the clinical trials, participants in the test group were asked to complete a questionnaire after using Pranamat daily for 30 days.
Clinical trial participant results*
Changes linked to back pain**
70% reported that their back pain had completely disappeared

Other sensations in the back**
97% reported a relaxation of the muscles in their backs

Changes relating to headaches**
80% noted a decrease or total absence of headaches

Changes relating to feelings of fatigue and apathy**
100% said they felt less tired and apathetic

Changes relating to alertness, activity and joviality**
70% reported being more alert, energetic, and in a better mood

Reaction to day-to-day stress**
90% noted an improvement in their resistance to stress

Changes linked to quality of sleep**
95% enjoyed a better quality of sleep

* These clinical studies were conducted in 2014, by a team of specialists from the Experimental Medicine Institute together with the University Hospital at the University of Latvia, reviewed by Dr. Dzintra Vavere, a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
**After 30 day’s therapeutic use of Pranamat
The Clinical Trial test period was 30 days, which is why we offer a 30-Day Test-Period. All the proven benefits can be felt within this time or you can get your money back.